Promotion in Umweltwissenschaften

Promotion in Agrar-, Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften


Innerhalb der Agrar-, Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften gibt es verschiedene Möglichkeiten der Spezialisierung. Folgende Forschungsbereiche lassen sich unter anderem diesem Studienfeld zuordnen:

  • Animal Science
  • Agricultural Science
  • Atmospheric sciences
  • Climate & Weather Sciences
  • Energy
  • Environmental sciences
  • Geochemistry
  • Geophysics
  • Geotechnology
  • Meteorology
  • Mineralogy
  • Numeric Modeling
  • Oceanography
  • Paleoclimatology
  • Petrology
  • Physical Geography 
  • Soil & Crop Science
  • Tectonics & Geodynamics
  • Veterinary Science  
  • Volcanology

Dein genaues Forschungsthema kannst du in direkter Absprache mit den potentiellen Supervisor:innen abstimmen. Falls du noch keine feste Vorstellung für dein Thema hast, schau dir gerne einige der aktuell ausgeschriebenen Projekte an.

Auswahl möglicher Forschungsprojekte in Australien

PhD Earth Sciences

Griffith University Logo
University:Griffith University
Faculty:Australian Research Centre for Human Evolution (ARCHE)
Project Start Date:08.07.2024
Application Deadline:31.03.2024 (students interested in this or similar topics can contact the supervisor even after the deadline)
Supervisor Name:Professor Julien Louys, Email:
Location (City/Campus):Brisbane/Nathan Campus
Project Description:

This project will be undertaken through the Australian Research Centre for Human Evolution (ARCHE). ARCHE is a world leader in research and education on all aspects of human evolutionary studies.

At ARCHE, our goal is to cultivate an innovative and cooperative atmosphere that nurtures the upcoming cohort of human evolutionary scientists. We provide a diverse selection of research and educational prospects for students of every level, including undergraduates, honours, masters, and PhD students. Our exceptional supervisors and researchers, who possess the expertise to connect students with national and international research networks, field locations, and professional organizations, work alongside our students to offer a world-class learning experience. Our advanced facilities offer cutting-edge resources to facilitate research and learning on every facet of human evolution.

We provide a dynamic and cooperative research environment that seeks to understand how humans and their societies across the globe evolved over time. We emphasise the study of the biological and cultural evolution of humans and our place in the natural world, with a growing focus on Indigenous peoples of Australia, Asia, and the Pacific.

Prof Julien Louys and Dr Mathew Stewart are based in ARCHE and together have a wealth of experience in studying past environmental change, human-faunal interactions through time, and the use of geochemical data to examine evolutionary questions.

We are currently looking for a PhD candidate to join our research team in the examination of strontium isotopes of vertebrate fossil deposits of Sumatra. The primary focus of this role is to investigate the variability and source of the strontium isotopes of fossil teeth from cave deposits in the Padang Highlands.

This project will also examine the systematic palaeontology of the fossils, site formation processes and geochronology, and other geochemical analyses as necessary. Success in this role requires collaboration with interdisciplinary experts in palaeontology, geochemistry, and geology, as well as with Indonesian communities to ensure the ethical and respectful use of fossil and cave materials.

This position will be held at Griffith University, Nathan Campus.

Funding Information

The 2024 Griffith University Postgraduate Research Scholarship has an annual stipend of $33,480 (indexed) for a period of up to three years of full-time study. Please see the GUPRS Conditions of Award for more information.

A successful International applicant will also be awarded a Griffith University International Postgraduate Research Scholarship to cover tuition fees for up to three years. Please see the GUIPRS Conditions of Award for more information.

Special Requirements

The selection of applicants for the award of higher degree research scholarships at Griffith University involves consideration of your academic merit and research background. To be successful in a research project on strontium isotopes of Sumatra, you will be able to demonstrate a strong foundation in geology and palaeontology, as well as familiarity with speleology and stratigraphy. You will ideally have experience in fieldwork, data collection and analysis, as well as the ability to work independently and collaboratively with stakeholders from diverse backgrounds. Fluency in Bahasa Indonesian and experience with undertaking research in Indonesia will be highly desirable. Overall, a successful candidate for this research project will be highly motivated, innovative, and committed to making a positive impact on the environment.

Expressions of interest are welcome from domestic and international applicants.
Applicants must have completed, or expect to complete, a bachelors degree with honours equivalent to first class honours or a Masters degree (AQF Level 9) incorporating a significant research component of a standard comparable to a bachelor honours degree or be regarded by Griffith University as having an equivalent level of attainment in accordance with Schedule One of the HDR Scholarship Procedure. For further information on the eligibility requirements for the program refer here.
Please note:

Desired experience includes fluency in Indonesian, geological and palaeontological fieldwork in Indonesia, and a Masters degree in Geosciences, Geological Engineering, or a related Earth Sciences program.
International applicants should ensure that English Language Proficiency requirements for the program are met before formally applying. Applicants to research programs will need to show they meet:

A minimum overall band score of 6.5 on the IELTS (Academic) with no band score less than 6.0 OR
A minimum score of 575 on the paper-based TOEFL including a score of no less than 5.0 on the TWE OR
A score of 79 on the internet-based (iBT) TOEFL with no sub-score less than 19

Additional Information

All expressions of interest must be submitted to containing:

  • Statement addressing your suitability for the project/scholarship
  • Names of two referees
  • Evidence that you have completed a program with the required grades as detailed in the about you section, including a copy of your academic transcript
  • A curriculum vitae (CV) using the Griffith CV template.
  • Research proposal

The closing date for expressions of interest is: 5pm Sunday 31 March 2024

The preferred applicant will then be invited to apply for the program and scholarship on-line

Categories : PhD Humanities | PhD Earth Sciences | PhD Bio, Chemie | GU Projects
University:RMIT University
Faculty:Faculty of Science
Project Start Date:flexible
Application Deadline:ongoing
Supervisor Name:Professor Donald Wlodkowic,
Location (City/Campus):Bundoora West, Melbourne
Project Description:

Looking to make a real difference in the world of environmental science? Join the Neurotox Lab at RMIT University and help us tackle the urgent issue of aquatic pollution. With an ever-increasing number of contaminants entering our waterways, we need your help to understand the ecological and behavioral consequences of exposure to these substances.

As a PhD candidate in our lab, you'll have the opportunity to focus on aquatic animals that interest you, from planarians and crustaceans to insects, snails, and fish. With access to cutting-edge techniques in behavioral ecotoxicology, you'll be able to investigate how exposure to emerging toxicants like pharmaceuticals, PFAS, and micro-/nanoplastics can impact animal behavior at the most fundamental, functional level.

Using state-of-the-art video tracking and advanced biotests, you'll develop new insights into the functional effects of contaminants on animal behavior. From unstimulated behaviors to phototaxis, thermal preference and cognitive responses, you'll explore a wide range of behavioral phenotypes, and help us identify the unique neurobiological mechanisms that underlie these changes.

At the Neurotox Lab, you'll be part of a world-class team who are making a real difference in the emerging field of eco-neurotoxicology. With a focus on understanding the complex relationships between pollution, animal behavior, and ecological consequences, we're helping to shape the future of environmental science.

So if you're looking for a PhD project that can truly make a difference, join us today on a great science adventure in Australia and become part of the solution to environmental challenges.

Funding Information:

The applicants can apply for RMIT Higher Degree by Research International Scholarship upon being granted an offer of admission to an RMIT research training program. The deadline for the next International Scholarship round will be 15th September 2023.

Admission Requirements:Any significant achievements such as e.g. publications will greatly increase the success rate during the scholarship application process.
Categories : PhD Earth Sciences | PhD Bio, Chemie | RMIT
University:RMIT University
Faculty:Faculty of Science
Project Start Date:flexible
Application Deadline:ongoing
Supervisor Name:Professor Donald Wlodkowic,
Location (City/Campus):Bundoora West, Melbourne
Project Description:

Attention all PhD candidates with a passion for aquatic animals and the environment! We have an exciting opportunity for you to pioneer a ground-breaking project that will unlock the secrets of thermal preference behaviors in aquatic animals.

This multi-species screening project will uncover the intertwined aspects of temperature sensing and neuronal data processing that are fundamental for dynamic thermal adaptations and ecological fitness.

You will be part of an interdisciplinary team at the Neurotox Lab at RMIT University, one of Australia's leading experts in eco-neurotoxicology. Using state-of-the-art techniques including quantitative computer animal tracking, you will undertake a pioneering multi-species screening of thermotactic responses in aquatic animals, from native Australian invertebrates to fish. This part of the project will lay the foundation for the development of innovative ecotoxicity biotests.

But the project doesn't stop there! In the following stages, you will explore and make new discoveries on how exposure to emerging contaminants, such as pharmaceuticals, PFAS, and micro/nanoplastics, can alter thermal preference behaviors. This is of considerable importance, as thermal preference behaviors in aquatic animals can become key behavioral factors in toxicological assessment.

Join us at the forefront of this exciting and rapidly growing interdisciplinary field, and be part of a team that is making a difference in the world. Apply now to the Neurotox Lab at RMIT University and discover the world of thermal preference behaviors in aquatic animals.

Funding Information:

The applicants can apply for RMIT Higher Degree by Research International Scholarship upon being granted an offer of admission to an RMIT research training program. The deadline for the next International Scholarship round will be 15th September 2023.

Admission Requirements:Any significant achievements such as e.g. publications will greatly increase the success rate during the scholarship application process.
Categories : PhD Earth Sciences | PhD Bio, Chemie | RMIT

Grundlegendes zum Schwerpunkt Agrar-, Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften

Die Geowissenschaften widmen sich in grundlegender Ausrichtung dem Studium der Erde: Die Erforschung des Materials, aus dem sie besteht,  die Erkundung der dynamischen Prozesse auf unserem Planeten, wie diese auf Materialien einwirken, wie zum Beispiel tektonische Prozessen, die zu Vulkanausbrüchen und Erdbeben oder der Erzeugung von Mineralien oder Wasser in der Erdkruste führen. Eine wichtige Rolle in den modernen Geowissenschaften spielen auch paleo-historische Ansätze.

Forschungsprojekte in den Earth Sciences sind darüber hinaus richtungsweisend für das Verständnis des Klimawandels und damit für die nachhaltige Gestaltung von gesellschaftlichen Transformationsprozessen. Von entscheidender Bedeutung ist auch hier der Einbezug innovativer Technologien. Für die nationalen „Research Priorities“  soil and water oder resources bildet das breit aufgestellte thematische Spektrum der Geowissenschaften eine essentielle Basis. Als globale Wissenschaftsdisziplin wird internationale Forschungszusammenarbeit besonders groß geschrieben. 

Deine Ansprechpartnerinnen im Bereich Forschung